In the fall of 2014, under the watchful eye of Jetsün Dechen Paldron and Britton Bosarge la, construction began on Tashi Chö Dzong, the new retreat building at Dechen Gatsal—a designated retreat area of Lotus Garden. During the winter months the building gradually took shape and, upon completion, will house 11 retreat rooms and a kitchen. The building is settled gently into a hillside encircled by the group of nine retreat cabins which have been built over the past 4 years.
Under the direction of builder Mark Good, his team of carpenters, painters, landscapers, plumbers and electricians are currently completing work on the building and surrounding land.
Retreatants are scheduled to take up residence in the building during the next few months.
Tashi Chö Dzong, given its name by Jetsün Khandro Rinpoche, means ‘Auspicious Fortress of Dharma.’
Note: While on the land, please do not enter the Dechen Gatsal Retreat Area without permission. Retreats are underway there and disruptions should be kept to a minimum. We hope to share some photos of the construction process very soon.