About the Center

Located in the beautiful Shenandoah Valley, Minling Lotus Garden is the seat of the Mindrolling Lineage of Tibetan Buddhism in North America.  Minling Lotus Garden was founded in 2003 by Minling Jetsün Khandro Rinpoche and Minling Jetsün Dechen Paldrön with the vision of establishing a retreat center for the preservation, propagation and accomplishment of the authentic Mindrolling lineage of the Buddhadharma.  His Holiness the 11th Minling Trichen bestowed the auspicious name of Minling Pema Gatsal, the Joyous Lotus Garden of Ripening and Liberation, upon the center.


Mindrolling Monastery was founded in Tibet by the Dharma King Terdag Lingpa in 1676.  This great master revealed five main termas (treasure practices hidden by Guru Rinpoche to be revealed later for the benefit of beings), and travelled throughout Tibet to find and preserve the authentic Buddhadharma. Terdag Lingpa and his younger bother Lochen Dharmashri worked tirelessly to revive the teachings, practices, and lineages of many different traditions within Tibetan Buddhism. Their teachings, practices, and accomplishments have been passed down from generation to generation of the Mindrolling lineage preserved in the most authentic undiluted form.

Since its founding, Mindrolling has been renowned as the source of the most authentic practice, teachings and transmissions of the Nyingma or Ancient School of Tibetan Buddhism.  As the current holders of the Mindrolling Lineage, Minling Jetsün Khandro Rinpoche and Minling Jetsün Dechen Paldrön have continued the work of this glorious lineage by bestowing countless teachings and transmissions at Lotus Garden and in the many Mindrolling centers and associations around the world and have trained numerous western students who seek to study and practice the Buddhadharma in its most authentic form. 

The sangha of Minling Lotus Garden includes students from across the world who have travelled to the center seeking the nectar-like truth of the Dharma. Today, Minling Lotus Garden is the wonderful coming together of the incomparable blessings of the Three Jewels and the Gurus, the devoted practice of the Dharma by the sangha, and the dedication of so many who have devoted their lives and service to the Dharma.


The Dharmashri Foundation is named after Lochen Dharmashri, the younger brother of Terdag Lingpa, the founder of the Mindrolling Lineage.  Founded and led by Minling Jetsün Dechen Paldrön, the Dharmashri Foundation is dedicated to preserving and translating the most precious teachings of the Nyingma School of Tibetan Buddhism.  Dharmashri’s activities include translating teachings particular to the Mindrolling Lineage, recording, transcribing, archiving and distributing teachings bestowed by Mindrolling Jetsün Khandro Rinpoche, Minling Jetsün Dechen Paldrön, and visiting teachers to Lotus Garden. The Dharmashri Foundation has translated numerous philosophical texts, practices, and teachings so the sangha of Lotus Garden can understand and practice them without any obstacles. The Dharmashri Online Portal was started in 2020 as a way for students the teachings of Minling Jetsün Khandro Rinpoche to be bestowed online and reach the worldwide Mindrolling sangha.

Office of Practice and Study

The Office of Practice and Study (OPS) coordinates the spiritual activities of Mindrolling Lotus Garden Retreat Center. As such, the OPS works closely with Minling Jetsün Khandro Rinpoche and Minling Jetsün Dechen Paldrön.  The Lopöns, Drupön (senior teachers and retreat master), and the study group facilitators take responsibility for the spiritual well-being and needs of the Lotus Garden sangha worldwide.

The Office of Practice and Study is responsible for the coordination of teaching programs, individual retreats, group practice sessions, shrine caretaking, receiving prayer requests, the Virginia Local Study Group and various affiliated study groups around the country.


Minling Lotus Garden was founded to be a place for the teaching, study, and practice of the genuine Buddhadharma, and Lotus Garden regularly has programs and retreats for new and seasoned practitioners alike.  Find out more about programs and retreats at Minling Lotus Garden.


Minling Lotus Garden has facilities for practitioners who wish to do individual retreats.  To inquire about an individual retreat please contact Lotus Garden by phone or by email.

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