During the Annual Retreat (Sept 11- Oct 1), Mindrolling Jetsün Khandro Rinpoche led practitioners through an intensive practice and study retreat which had marked changes in the schedule from the retreats of past years. In addition to attending daily teachings, participants spent much of the time practicing in a retreat setting.

The program opened with teachings on Taming the Mind during which Rinpoche presented a mind-expanding view of shamatha meditation, the basic technique known to be the very ground of all practices. As part of the weekend, Rinpoche bestowed teachings on the ’37 Practices of the Bodhisattva’ to guide the study groups into this topic for the coming year. Simultaneously, Rinpoche presented the Daily Practice of Offering the Body, also known as Chöd.
Continuing with a multi-year presentation of the Three Roots —Guru, Yidam and Dakini— this year Rinpoche presented the Tröma Nagmo (Krodhi Kali) sadhana discovered by the great terton Nyangral Nyima Özer and rediscovered by Terdag Lingpa. The English version was beautifully translated by Mindrolling Jetsün Dechen Paldrön la who also generously conducted the ritual review. Trainings in the Six Yogas of Tröma Nagmo were also introduced in the context of the sadhana.
Armed with these profound practices, practitioners entered an intensive 6-day Chö Gar (Dharma encampment). Annual Retreat concluded with a 3-day drubchö with the sadhanas of Rigdzin Thugthig, Minling Dorsem and Tröma Nagmo.
Rinpoche and Jetsunla’s vast vision and unerring guidance led all practitioners to realize more clearly the urgency of deepening practice and transforming one’s mind.