The first Mindrol Lekshey (Excellent Knowledge) Summer Program took place August 14— 30 at Lotus Garden. Under the guidance of Mindrolling Jetsün Dechen Paldron, Ven. Acarya Namdrol Gyatso and Ven. Thrinley Gyaltsen, both senior teachers at Mindrolling Monastery in India, led students through intensive training in the rituals of the Mindrolling lineage.
Students attended practice sessions in Tibetan textual reading and language, torma, mudra, melody and instrument review. Special training was also provided to representatives of the local study groups which are doing monthly sadhana practices.
At the conclusion of the program, Ven. Acarya Namdrol Gyatso la and Ven. Thrinley Gyaltsen la thanked the students for their tremendous effort and encouraged them to continue studying and practicing all they had learned. The students in turn praised these two wonderful teachers who displayed such kindness, patience and good humor.