On the clear and sunny day of July 21, the entire Lotus Garden community gathered for the consecration ceremony at Tashi Chö Dzong, the newly completed sangha retreat house.
Mindrolling Jetsün Khandro Rinpoche, Minling Jetsün Dechen Paldron, along with the monks and nuns offered a sang, followed by the traditional sharing of saffron rice and tea. Rinpoche consecrated the building and then visited the retreat rooms to bestow blessings upon each.
Following the blessings by Rinpoche, all those present were invited to visit the rooms of the new residents. That evening, acknowledging their great good fortune, the Tashi Chö Dzong retreatants took up residence in the building to begin lives of deepened practice.
During the Shedra Program which followed, HE Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche also visited the building and graciously bestowed blessings.
Jetsün Khandro Rinpoche has named the new sangha retreat house Tashi Chö Dzong which means ‘Auspicious Fortress of Dharma’.
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